Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA) is a subsidized organization of the Ministry of the Environment (MoE). The basic purpose of the organization is professional, information, data and research support for the performance of state administration and the operation and development of information systems within the scope of its activities.
CENIA cooperates with all providers of data resources in the Ministry of the Environment as well as with a number of research, scientific or university institutions. It participates in the development and provision of selected data and mapping services and is the operator of a number of information systems.
CENIA manages the Integrated Reporting Compliance System ISPOP, which ensures the fulfilment of legally required environmental reporting and at the same time provides data for cross-cutting environmental information.
CENIA operates the Waste Management Information System ISOH, which serves the decision-making, control and statistical needs of the waste management of the Czech Republic and is dedicated to waste and circular management issues.
It carries out assessment and certification activities in the field of integrated prevention and operates the EIA and SEA Information System.
The data output of CENIA is ENVIROMETER, which contains a clearly processed set of all statistical data and indicators of the state of the environment.
CENIA manages the National INSPIRE Geoportal, where, in addition to data and services covered by the INSPIRE Directive, thematic data of several dozen entities ranging from central public administration bodies, departmental organisations, regional authorities, municipalities, research institutions, to private companies can be found, and the displayed data covers a wide range of fields.
In the Czech Republic, CENIA is the national contact point for the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe INSPIRE.