CENIA participated in the project Platform for Statistics, Reporting and Analysis (StaR, 2018 – 2021) within the framework of the contract for the implementation and provision of services in the field of analytical and development cooperation between CENIA and the Ministry of Environment.
The scope of the StaR project was the implementation of downstream applications and solutions, which in aggregate created the StaR= Information System for Statistics and Reporting in the Ministry of Environment.
It consists of a platform for data storage and transformation, a data catalogue and a portal presentation layer.
The contract included analytical and development cooperation in the implementation of a business intelligence tool and a portal presentation layer publishing individual outputs.
Project identification:
Project registration number: CZ.06.3.05/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006498
Programme name: Integrated Regional Operational Programme
Date of completion: 31 December 2021
Financial framework of the project: CZK 7 808 000,- (CENIA services)
The main objective of the project was to replace the current statistical and reporting application solution with a fundamentally modified and new Statistical and Reporting Information System.
More information here.
Miroslav Kukuc, miroslav.kukuc@cenia.gov.cz